Soccer to host Alumni Game on August 11

Soccer to host Alumni Game on August 11
Adam Gore/

FULTON, MS – The Itawamba Community College women's and men's soccer programs will host the first-ever alumni soccer game on Saturday, August 11 at the ICC Soccer Complex on the Fulton campus.

"We are excited about announcing the plans for our alumni game," said ICC women's and men's soccer coach Mike Sullivan. "This will be a great way for old friends to catch up with each other and play a little soccer like their glory days at ICC."

All former players are invited and encouraged to participate in the event. The women's match will beginning at 11:00 a.m. with the men following at 1:00 p.m.

"We've been extremely blessed to have great groups of players come through our programs over the years and we hope this is something that will become a long-running tradition," Sullivan said.

Anyone interested in participating in this year's alumni game can contact Coach Sullivan at 662-862-8420 ( or assistant coach Cody Carson at 662-862-8125 (