Rice provided a new warpath with Choctaws

Rice provided a new warpath with Choctaws

Rice provided a new warpath with Choctaws

Tory Rice has found a new warpath.

After spending two years with the Itawamba Community College Indians, the former Starkville High School basketball player signed with the Mississippi College Choctaws.

Rice leaves for Clinton on August 23 to begin the next chapter of his academic and basketball life.

"Mississippi College has been looking at me ever since the beginning of the season," Rice said. "The coach called me, wanted me to come play and said I had a good attitude."

"They've got a great coaching staff and good school. As long as I'm getting my education, basketball is going to be there."

Rice was selected to the MACJC North All-Star team last season at ICC. He averaged 10 points per game and led the Indians with 8.1 rebounds and 56.1 percent shooting.

The association with ICC coaches Grant Pate and Adam Kirk made Rice's time in Fulton "great."

"I loved it, especially the coaches that prepared me for each year," Rice said. "They helped me get better. It's been real good and I'm just glad to continue playing."

Pate called Rice "a staple" of the Indians the last two years and someone who will be missed at ICC.

Along with his North All-State spot, Rice also got MACJC Academic All-State honors.

"He has continued to improve since he left high school," Starkville High School boys coach Greg Carter said. "Every year he has gotten better and better. This past year he really played well at ICC. They counted on him a lot in the post defensively and rebounding. He came through for them."