ICC athletes lend helping hand with April’s Angels

ICC athletes lend helping hand with April’s Angels

ICC athletes lend helping hand with April's Angels
Adam Gore/LetsGoICC.com

FULTON, MS – Members of the Itawamba Community College football and men's basketball team took time out of their summer to help give back to the community by volunteering with April's Angels to help build their handicap playground at Itawamba Attendance Center on Monday.

"It's good to be able to come out and show these kids how much we appreciate them by coming out as a team and help building this new playground for them," said ICC football player Antonio Clifton of Tupelo.

"It means a lot to be able to give back to the community like this because growing up we didn't have places like this," said ICC basketball player Ron Davis of Raymond.  

The playground will be all-inclusive and will have sensory panels for children who are tactile learners along with auditory panels for children who are stimulated by sound. It will also feature a poured rubber surface that will allow students with wheelchairs, walkers, and crutches to easily maneuver to the wheelchair ramp to gain access to a whole new exciting world.

"It feels good to be out here and helping the community by building this playground," said ICC football player Stanley Higgins of Starkville. "I hope they're able to have a good time on it and enjoy themselves."

April's Angels is a non-profit organization established to benefit the area of special needs at Itawamba Attendance Center and honors the memory of former Lee and Itawamba County educator April South.

For more information on ICC football and basketball programs, follow ICC Athletics on Twitter (@LetsGoICC).